
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Camp AG For Everyone: Week 1

Doll Diaries inspired me to create Camp AG For Everyone. I will give a challenge and you (whoever is interested, please comment) post what you made on your blog. I will post what everyone did the next week. Then everyone votes for the best! Also, if you participate in a challenge, you can add the Camp AG For Everyone Button.

The Button!

Okay, here's your first challenge:

Make a Camp AG For Everyone photo story.
It could be packing, waiting for the bus, anything camp related!

For example:

Eva couldn't wait for her first day at camp! Her family had told her how fun it was.

She waited patiently for the bus to arrive.

Eva had heard so much about camp.

She heard about the friendships,

She heard about the fun,

But most of all she heard about all the fun activities they did!

Finally, the bus arrived!

I can't wait to see your photo stories!


  1. I did challenge 1!!!!


  2. We'd love to participate, so we will both post a photo story soon!

    1. We haven't posted it quite yet. We will post it tomorrow morning though. We've had a busy night :)


Hi Everyone! Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please no rude comments or mean things. Compliments are appreciated!