
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Samantha: Then And Now

I am super excited for Samantha's re-release! She is so pretty! She was my favorite historical character before I saw Marie Grace. I just loved her stories, and I really loved Nellie. I'm not sure if Nellie is coming back or not, comment below if you do.

This is what Samantha's meet outfit looked like:

This is what she might look like:

I think she looks lovely don't you?


  1. I'm excited for her re-release, but I won't be getting her, as I have my twin Samanthas already! I really love Nellie, but on AG's Facebook page, they said there wasn't any plans to re-release Nellie, though :(

    1. That's sad. Nellie was my favorite. Thanks for the info :)

  2. I don't think that's what her dress will look like because that dress is one ag just released for the bitties!

  3. ☆★♡♥Bridget♥♡★☆July 19, 2014 at 1:31 PM

    i can't wait for her to be re released!!!!!!! :)

  4. I can't wait for her! I might just get her, then I will have 5 AG dolls. I think I like her first meet outfit better than the new one. The new dress looks too fancy to be her meet dress.

    1. You're probably right… I really want her too!

  5. yeah the dress they have her in is to modern I like the oldies better even though the modern is cute but im going 2 get her any way


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