Wednesday, August 27, 2014

LG Award, AGPC and BeForever News!

I was nominated for the LG award by Ginny And June from Small Town American Girlz. Here are the rules if you are nominated:
  • No tag backs
  • You must give credit to the person who nominated you :)
  • Answer the 8 question given to you by the person who nominated you and then give 8 more questions to your nominees
  • Nominate 8 people and let them know that they were nominated (make sure you link your blog URL)
  • Put the award on your sidebar or a special page you have for awards!

Now, here are my answers!

1. What Historical Character do you look like the most?
Answer: I would have to say: Samantha with shorter hair!

2. Handmade clothes (for dolls) or store bought clothes?
Handmade all the way!

3. What role do you play when playing with dolls? (i.e. Mom, Sister, Owner, Friend)

4. Nikon cameras, Canon cameras, or other (please specify)?
IPhone 4

5. Do you play with your dolls, or do you just display/photograph them, or both?
Both! I love to just pretend with my dolls.

6. How many blogs do you follow?
Idk. A lot?

7. Is your blog newer, or older?

8. Do you believe that Samantha's new collection should have less pink in it? (Like Ginny) (Also, if you have not seen the new BeForever video, you can see it on Living a Doll's Life here. We give Rhonda full credit.)
Yes! The color from that time period was Blue!

I nominate:

Green Tomato Dolls Studios

Oh My Dollies

California Harmony Dolls

Dolls On My Mind

I ask you all the same questions I answered!

 And now: My AGPC entry!

Isabelle is wearing a T-Shirt from a mix and match on EBay, her meet outfit pants and shoes. This is also the outfit Sarah Sockett wears. Now Isabelle ready to ride the bus to school!

BeForever News:

BeForever is released tomorrow!

A closer look at Samantha's new bike
Pic Cred: Living a Doll's Life


  1. Congrats on the award! And thank you for your entry, Isabelle's outfit is so cute! Good luck =D


  2. Congrats :) I'm glad someone else agrees about all of the pink I'm Sam's collection!! June thinks it's cute so I've had no one to relate to :/

    1. I like Samantha's meet outfit, it's gorgeous! But all that pink makes me want to gag! ;)

  3. Congrats on the award! I love the outfit in your AGPC entry! :)

    ~ Mint


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