Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I Promise

I know not many of you will be reading this, but I'm doing this anyway.
Now's a good time as ever.
I'm really not ready to say this.

First off, I did not get Rebecca.

That's right. I didn't.

I didn't because I didn't like her.

I want Elizabeth, and I don't think it's right to get another doll just for the heck of it.

So no, I didn't get Rebecca.

Second, I did not take any pictures @ AGP Boston.

I do not want to be dishonest with you, there is only one reason for this.

I was the only one in the entire store and all the staff was looking at me and my parents. It was really awkward.

So no, I didn't take any pictures.

Third, I am really sorry.

Really, really sorry.

I promised to take pictures and get a new doll, but I didn't.

I'm sorry. I really am.

I'm not going to be called Dollympics547. It just isn't me anymore.
I'm going to Dawn, from Dollywood Studios on Youtube.

That's right. I got a YouTube.
And I have some videos up.
And I didn't tell you.
Again, I am really, really sorry.

I'm going to take a break.
And start anew. The way a phoenix rises up from the fire.
Here is a poem (by me) for you.

Start again. Be renewed.
Put the pieces together again, only glued.
We all are pieces in our own game,
We want money, fortune and fame.
Now take a breath and let it go,
What needs to be done, now you know. 

I still love my dolls. But something tells me they want a break from the spotlight.
So I will be taking a break from blogging.
I don't know for how long.
I just know I'll be back.
I promise.


  1. Aw, it's totally fine, I hope your break does you good! And dude, that's so cool you have a YouTube! I'll have to try and find your channel, I'll definitely subscribe! Looking forward to your return ♥


  2. I gave you an award on by blog.


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