Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day Of School!

I survived the first day of Middle School! YAY!!! I won't be able to post in the mornings anymore, but I'll try and post at 8 pm ish. Hope you understand!

PS: Watch this video!


  1. Ahh, middle school...I remember my first day like it was yesterday...wait, nah, scratch that, I totally forget it XD but I do remember my first year as a whole...=) don;t worry abiut the posting times, I can only post/read posts after I get out of school at 2:30, not including the hours of homework I usually have -_-


    1. I don't usually tell people on the internet but on my blog if you do the math you can find out how old I am, so I'll tell ya: I'm in eighth =)


  2. Congrats on surviving your first day! Good luck with the rest of your year! :)

    ~ Mint

  3. Yay for surviving the first day of middle school! That was the freakiest day of my life.

  4. ☆★♡♥Bridget♥♡★☆November 7, 2014 at 4:58 PM

    I started 5th grade this year :D -_-

    1. Trust me, that was my favorite year! You'll have a lot of fun.


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