Saturday, October 4, 2014

I'm Back!

Hey everyone! I'm back! I'm hoping to work on a new Sarah Sockett episode soon, but first this really awesome story caught my attention. It's called the Seven Chairs and it's part of the mysterious Harris Burdick collection. I'm sure if you look him up you'll find the story pretty quickly. Anyway, since they never found the stories (they only found the illustrations) many famous authors tried to come up with their own ideas of how the story went. Lois Lowry (Author The Giver, Number The Stars and many other awesome books) wrote the Seven Chairs. Hope you like the stop motion when it comes out!

PS: Here's the illustration that went with the Seven Chairs:

"The fifth one ended up in France."


  1. That's a cool picture! I can't wait for the next Sarah Sockett episode! ;D

    ~ Mint

  2. I can't wait for Sarah Sockett! That sounds really interesting, and plus I love Lois Lowry's books, so that makes it sound even better ;)

  3. I just know that the next Sarah Society episode will be really good, it always is! The Giver and Number the Stars are such amazing books, I realm enjoyed them!


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